Why Did You Sleep with So Many Human People?

Some young, wild, and provocative playwrights have gotten together to share some new one-acts that explore why we love what we love. It’s a one night stand with talking beds, gigolo apes and a guy named Elvis.
Here’s the lineup:
written by Will Arbery • directed by Sofya Weitz
An elderly monkey prostitute meets the client who may be the death of him.
Featuring: Juan Amador, Jenn Kirk & Mariana Morgon
written by Sofya Weitz • directed by Will Arbery
A musician named Elvis invites a young girl with a baby to come stay with him and his wife.
Featuring: Jake Weary, Lola Kelly & Robyn Littleworth
written & directed by Mara De La Rosa
A man on his death bed is consoled by his death bed.
Featuring: McCready Baker & Ted Jonas
written & directed by Mariana Morgon
In the future, a young man tries to come to terms with the fact that his lover is sexually attracted to corners.
Featuring: Kestrel Leah, Julian Evens & Whitney Mongomery
Costume design by Josh La Cour
Scenic design by Naomi Kasahara Hamill
August 29-30th at 8PM
Pollution Studios
1531 Grande Vista Ave (North Lot)
Downtown Los Angeles
Street Parking on Pico.
Tickets are $10 at the door or to reserve your spot/pay with a credit card:
Sculptural work by architects 12/14/13

Popwagon Production Coordinator Kris Swick has put together an exhibition of sculptural work by local yuppies visionaries/crackpots from the fields of visual art and architecture. This sampling will include architectural scale models, structurally informed assemblages, formal studies and experimentation, and floral throngs. The range of work will reflect both the artists’ areas of expertise and their incursions into the avant-garde. Some work will be made available for sale. All work will explore new avenues of spatial understanding.
Featured Artists
Grey Crowell
Ben Warwas
Naomi Kasahara
Aaron Mozzy Elam
6PM -Saturday 12/14 at 5132 York Blvd. in Highland Park
For more details, visit the Facebook Event Page
Popwagon at CicLAvia 10/6/13

Sunday October 6 is CicLAvia – the magical event where certain L.A.roads are closed, cars disappear and cyclists get together for a wild ride.
The folks at the Music Center invited the Popwagon to be a part of their Lines + Lanes festivities at the Grand Park hub in the center of the “Heart of L.A.” route.
For our contribution, we created YOU ARE HERE HERE HERE, a tele-presence experiment aboard the Popwagon that allows you to be in three places at once. Using a constant three-way video feed between the Popwagon, the Macarthur Park hub and a spot along the route, the piece will provide a unique way for participants to connect with one another and experience the event from multiple vantage points.
Video-conferencing technology has been around for a while, but most of us are still growing accustomed to this ability to transport many aspects of our “selves” across space. Your tone of voice, your physical characteristics, your sense of sight and hearing can cross vast distances with the touch of a button. As our identities become less and less tied to our physical bodies, how does this impact our experience of the spaces we inhabit and move through?
YOU ARE HERE HERE HERE invites Angelenos to explore these questions in a playful setting that augments the theme of civic connectivity embodied by Grand Park and the CicLAvia event.
We’ll be operating from 11AM-3PM in Grand Park between Broadway and Spring. Come by and say hi!
The Soft Camp at Grand Park

If you like your kid-firendly art mixed with food trucks and movies, Grand Park in downtown L.A. is the place for you this Saturday night (8/31) starting at 5:30pm. The Popwagon will be a part of Street Food Cinema’s movies in the park series and will be presenting the latest production of The Soft Camp – a hands-on theatrical installation where kids can enjoy the antics of Ida and Rudy then climb up on stage to act out their own comedies with interactive props and scenic elements. After that, everyone’s welcome to relax in L.A.’s fanciest park for an outdoor screening of The Neverending Story
Next appearance of The Soft Camp
A First Look at the Soft Camp
Here’s a 3 min 49 sec look at what our latest project is like.
Catch a Sneak Peek of the Soft Camp

At around noon on Sunday August 4, the Popwagon will be parked at Clover Park in Santa Monica, doing a trial run of our latest installation. Come check it out. Here’s a map.
Support our latest project
We just launched a crowd funding campaign for our latest Popwagon project! You can read all about it on the Kickstarter page.